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Lady Bay

Primary School

Growing together: Caring for ourselves, each other and the environment

Main Slideshow and school values

School Values

  • Respect
  • Enjoyment
  • Determination
  • Collaboration
  • Reflection
  • Curiosity

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Our teachers are Shelley, and Mr Lloyd/Miss Brocklehurst, and we are supported by Mrs Horner, Mrs Hicklin and Mrs Ahmed




Please click the links below to have a look at some photographs of what we have been up to.

Information for Parents

We will again travel to PGL at Caythorpe Court for our Y4 residential in April 2024. For an idea of what to expect, please see the parent information document above which is a copy of the powerpoint from the parent information evening, and have a browse through last year's photos in the Y4 Photos page. The Caythorpe Court website below is also very useful to help familiarise your child with the location and facilities. 


The long term plan for maths can be found below. We are following the White Rose Maths long term plan, and use their workbooks and materials as the basis of our maths teaching and learning.  A more detailed breakdown of what your child will be learning is available in the maths curriculum page, alongside more useful parent links

Times Tables

In June Y4 children will take the government statutory times tables test. This will test all tables up to 12x12, in a 25 question test with 6 seconds to respond and input an answer. In school we focus on a times table per half term which we practise and quiz weekly to earn rewards. Please continue to practise at home, using TTRockstars or any other method.


Year 4 Overview

Alongside Maths and English, we have several topics planned for this year which will cover a range of curriculum areas including Science, Geography and History.  These will be excitedly woven into topics and 'drivers' for learning!


In the Autumn term we delve into the past through our study of Norman Castles.  Inspired by their research in history, the children create English stories based on the famous outlaw, Robin Hood.  In Science we investigate changing states and how the water cycle works. 


After half term we learn all about electricity with the children, discovering how important electricity is in modern lives.  Circuits are created and these skills are transferred to D&T projects.  Our history studies will move onto looking at the early law makers in Britain and how laws are introduced in our country.


Other topics into the new year include:

  • Rome and the Romans

  • Digestion

  • Animals and habitats

  • Sound

  • Russia, Rivers and local geography study


In April we have a residential to look forward to! We will be spending two nights at PGL, and will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of exciting adventurous activities.


The children will continue to have Spanish lessons taught by Senora Lopez, and music will be taught by Mrs Harvey.


We will continue to develop the children’s personal and social skills through a series of PSHE and RE sessions.


We look forward to an exciting year working together with the children and parents in year 4.

